AI - Powered Personalized Experiences

effyMarketing Cloud

Elevate your marketing strategy with our comprehensive AI/ML powered Marketing Cloud platform. Deliver 1:1 personalized experiences & tailored interactions for every customer through marketing automation tools, predictive intelligence, content management, and a robust customer data platform.

effyCX effySites effyCDP effySurvey effyAnalytics

effyCX: AI-Powered Omni-Channel Marketing Automation

Our AI-Powered Marketing Automation platform is designed to aid your marketing strategies by delivering hyper-personalized experiences seamlessly across various channels.

A powerful tool coupled with artificial intelligence, it helps to understand, analyze, and adapt to individual customer preferences, ensuring scalable personalization & analytics.

Explore Our Features

Multi-Channel Integration

Seamlessly connect with users through Email, SMS, voice, social media, push notifications, pop-ups, dynamic banners, and in-app notifications.

Unified Customer Experience

Provide a seamless customer journey across all channels for a consistent brand experience.

Dynamic Personalization

Tailor content dynamically based on user behavior, preferences, and interactions for a highly personalized experience.

1:1 Messaging

Enable personalized communication with users, ensuring individualized messages and offers for maximum impact.

Behavioral Triggers

Set up triggers based on user behavior to deliver timely and relevant messages, optimizing engagement.

Real-time Customer Insights

Gain actionable insights into customer behavior in real-time, allowing for immediate adaptation of marketing strategies.

Interactive Pop-ups

Engage users with interactive pop-ups that capture attention and convey personalized messages/offers.

In-App Notifications

Reach users directly within your app with personalized notifications that enhance the in-app experience.

AI-Driven Recommendations

Leverage artificial intelligence to provide personalized product or content recommendations, boosting user engagement.

Segmentation and Targeting

Create precise audience segments based on user attributes and behavior, ensuring targeted and relevant messaging.

A/B Testing Capabilities

Optimize personalized experiences through A/B testing of different content, messages, or delivery methods.

Create High Performance assets – Web to Mobile apps

effySites: AI Personalized Web Experiences

Designed to enable dynamic content personalization, effySites enhances user experiences by tailoring content to individual preferences across websites, landing pages, and apps. Ensure a truly engaging and personalized journey for every visitor.

Explore Our Features

Dynamic Content Personalization

Tailor content dynamically based on individual preferences.

High-Speed Performance

High-speed dynamic content delivery for seamless user interactions.

Multi-Channel Support

Supports various digital assets like websites, landing pages, and apps.

Ease of Use

User-friendly interfaces and streamlined content management.

User Experience Enhancement

Provide a compelling and user-friendly interface & enhance overall user experience through personalized journeys.

Truly Personalized Journeys

Deliver personalized journeys across digital touchpoints.

Apps Integration

Supports integration with various applications for a unified digital presence.

Engagement Optimization

Maximize engagement by tailoring content to individual preferences & using content interactivity elements.

Unified Insights, 1:1 Personalization, Automation

effyCDP: Unified Customer Data Platform

Equipped with campaign planning functionality, effyCDP empowers marketers to craft cohesive cross-channel campaigns.

Actions in one channel trigger personalized experiences in others, fostering a modern, customer-centric marketing approach.

AI – Powered Video Survey

effySurvey: Highly engaging and personalized experience for respondents

Videos have about 82% positive impact on the human mind. effySurvey enhances the experience by integrating conversational surveys, blending the visual appeal of videos with interactive elements. This approach deepens engagement, captures nuanced insights, and adds an enjoyable layer to the survey process for participants.

Explore Our Features



AI-powered video survey begins with personalized details, enhancing the respondent's experience and tailoring questions for individual relevance.


Personalized Approach

Dynamically adjust question flow based on responses, ensuring a personalized experience for respondent engagement and data quality.


Video-based questions

Engage respondents with dynamic video-based questions, offering a more detailed and nuanced response compared to traditional text-based queries.


Personalized follow-up questions

Generate tailored follow-up questions based on initial responses, providing a highly personalized and relevant survey experience.


Sentiment analysis

Utilize sentiment analysis to gauge emotional states through voice, facial expressions, and body language, identifying areas of concern or dissatisfaction.


Response scoring

Score each response for relevance, enabling prioritized analysis and a focus on the most critical feedback for effective decision-making.


Personalized recommendations

Deliver tailored recommendations based on survey responses, catering to specific needs and preferences for a more relevant and impactful marketing experience.


Omni-Channel Presence

Conduct surveys seamlessly on various platforms, including your website, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter, ensuring an extended reach and diverse customer engagement.

This website experience is powered by effyMarketing

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